Hey its Nikki\Nicole I am 36 a mother wife best friend, lover and more. I have always been very intuitive. After my grandmother passed I really got in touch with spirituality. I am continuing to learn new things daily. All Readers are different because we have different life experience. In A atypical read I use my gifts to receive the message. I get a strong since of knowing or a feeling of knowing. I may hear a thought in my head or feel pain/ chills as messages. Spirit can correlate memory's I have to give your messages Example I get a slight pain in my head it stops then I see in my minds eye a car accident the client will clarify then I hear a few thoughts you wont always understand in the moment of the reading but will process and ask others if needed. From my past experiences Messages will come to help the client heal receive guidance or just to prove to you they still are with you. Clients my want a certain loved one and show a picture this is not always necessary but can help at times.
We can do general energy love or spirit communication this can include